VisibleResults Installation - Interbase

Starting Interbase Installation

You must have a working TCP/IP configuration before starting this step. If PING localhost in the previous step did not work then DO NOT continue until you have fixed the configuration.

  • Right-click on 'My Computer' and click 'Explore'
  • Locate the CD (usually Drive D) and click on it to open it
  • Locate the folder 'InterBase' and click on it to open it
  • Locate the file 'Setup' and double click on it to open it

Start, Information and License Screens

These three screens appear next and you should read them before proceeding.

  • This screen welcomes you to the setup program
  • It is important that you close all other programs before proceeding. If other programs are running then
    • Click cancel to exit
    • Close all programs
    • Restart the installation of Interbase
  • If there are no other programs running, click 'Next' to proceed
  • This screen provides general information on installing Interbase Server (you can ignore this and follow these instructions)
  • Click 'Next' to proceed
  • This is the Software Licence which you are bound by when using this software (you should read this)
  • Click 'Next' to proceed

Certificate ID

To validate your software, you need to supply the Certificate ID

  • Type in EVAL as the Certificate ID
  • Click 'Next' to proceed

Component Selection

Now you have to select which features of Interbase Server you wish to install

You select items by clicking on the little box beside the component. A tick indicates the component is selected

Scroll down the list and ensure that ONLY following options are selected:

  • Interbase client
  • Interbase server
  • Command-line tools
  • Graphical tools

When you have made these selections click 'Browse'

  • Set the destination path to C:\vr-db\interbase
  • Click 'OK' and then 'Install' to start the installation


The installation now proceeds automatically - a number of screens will appear as the installation proceeds. The slide bar shows the progress of the installation

A typical screen during the installation process

At the end of the installation process, this screen appears

  • Unselect the 'Yes! Show me the README file'
  • click 'Finish' to proceed

Interbase installation is now complete!

You should now have a new icon in the task tray (next to the clock, usually at the bottom of your screen). This icon will appear automatically each time your computer is started to show that the Interbase server is running.