VisibleResults Installation - TCP/IP

TCP/IP is a network protocol. It is used to connect Visible Results to the Interbase database

Before installing Interbase, you must check that TCP/IP is functioning on your PC. These instructions will allow you to validate the configuration of TCP/IP.

Opening a MS-DOS Prompt

To Check TCP/IP , do one of the following:-

  • Double-click the MS-DOS Prompt on your Desktop
  • Click 'Start', 'Programs' and 'MS-DOS Prompt'

Using the MS-DOS Prompt

The MS Dos Prompt appears as a window with a 'prompt' of C:\WINDOWS>

Type 'PING Localhost' and press the 'Enter' key.

If TCP/IP is installed, you should see a message like this:

If you do not see this message, you should ask your Computer Manager or Consultant/Supplier to install TCP/IP. Until that is done so that the ping does work you cannot continue to install VisibleResults.

Note that if you have a dial-up connection to the internet you should be able to pass this test without being connected to the internet at the time. If that is not the case then ask your Computer Manager or Consultant/Supplier to configure TCP/IP so you can pass this conditon.

To exit MS Dos prompt and return to Windows, click on X in top RHS of DOS Prompt frame.