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The only FREE Fundraising Database.

Together we can make a positive difference to the world.
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Current Status

Tracker Tracker

 - Bugs ( 33 open / 206 total )
Bug Tracking System

 - Support Requests ( 0 open / 0 total )
Tech Support Tracking System

 - Feature Requests ( 5 open / 5 total )
Feature Request Tracking System

Mail Lists Mailing Lists ( 5 mailing lists )
Tasks Task Manager
  - Documentation
  - WebSite
  - Brochures
  - dbms layer
  - Java App
  - Web Client
  - Tools
  - Internet VisibleResults
CVS CVS Tree ( 2622 commits, 3603 adds )
FTP Released Files

VisibleResults is setup as a development project on SourceForge. You can see it by clicking on the project link at the bottom of every page or http://sourceforge.net/projects/visibleresults which is the same place.

All the source code is now available on SourceForge in 3 modules.

  • vr contains documentation and the website.
  • vrapp contains the Java application (client and server)
  • vrweb contains the new web client (ie the server for the web client)

All the legal sign offs are now complete and so the whole of VisibleResults is now free software.


We have started a web log as an experiment really to see if it helps us keep everyone up-to-date with whats happening. See it here.


The existing version of VisibleResults has three main parts.

  1. An Application Server which is written as Java Servlets and which generally is hosted by a Jetty Web Server.
  2. A client application which is written as a Java application and which provides all the data entry forms.
  3. A Web Browser Client. All the reports and data processing are done by the application server. The results are then sent back to a Web Browser. For many of the reports the results can be displayed within the Java Application which includes an embedded web browser, but all can also be viewed in any Web Browser, and in many cases the Java Application will automatically start-up your Web Browser.


The key goals for the next few months

  1. Move everything into the Free Software project for VisibleResults
  2. Test Firebird and make it the default dbms
  3. Complete the move to creating Acrobat PDF files for Gift responses instead of printing them directly
  4. Complete the Web Interface making the Java Application entirely optional
  5. Extend the functionality for organisations to match that or people.
  6. Separate Projects and Campaigns

Getting Involved

We are very eager to welcome new developers. If you would like to get involved the best way to start is to become a SourceForge member (if you are not already, it does not cost anything), then subscribe to our development mailing list

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Thanks to
SourceForge who are hosting this Open Source project.

Click here for the VisibleResults project page on SourceForge.