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What's New?

This is where we keep you up-to-date with what is and has happend in the world of VisibleResults.

VisibleResults 2.0.2 released
    erik-erskine - 2002-05-09 01:23   -   VisibleResults
VisibleResults 2.0.2 is now available for download.

This consists mainly of bug fixes. The database tables have also changed, this is done automatically when starting VisibleResults after the upgrade, details are in the README. If you are using the installer, the supplied databases will be upgraded already.
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Development Conference
    dwarnock - 2002-02-06 17:29   -   VisibleResults
We are having a developers conference for the Web Version of VisibleResults on 7 and 8 March 2003 at Sundayta Ltd's offices.

So far 9 confirmed participants and one more expected. Almost anyone else welcome!
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Signoff recieved, Java Application now free
    dwarnock - 2001-02-17 13:41   -   VisibleResults
We now have the official sign off from the Bible Society in Denmark. Thanks Morten and Irene!

This means that the existing VisibleResults is now free software.
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Data History/Audit
    dwarnock - 2001-02-14 09:08   -   VisibleResults
Wow! A really cool new feature has been added.

Using the XMLDDL tool we can now generate history tables automatically and the triggers to update them.
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Anonymous CVS works!
    dwarnock - 2001-02-14 04:00   -   VisibleResults
At last Sourceforge have fixed the anonymous cvs access to VisibleResults.

Click the cvs link from the project home page for details. But in summary it says this:
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Welcome to new developers
    dwarnock - 2001-02-06 05:54   -   VisibleResults
Just a quick welcome to Mike and Guy who are both now "official" developers. I am defining this as programmers who have code commited into the project.

Note for anyone checking CVS, these have been checked in using my ID due to SourceForge problems with new accounts.
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Simplified building and Running
    dwarnock - 2001-02-03 01:35   -   VisibleResults
The ANT build scripts have been made more powerful and also simpler. Normally you can start at the end of the chain (ui-wm) and type

ant fullcompile
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Control Panel Progress
    dwarnock - 2001-02-03 01:30   -   VisibleResults
We have the first live data coming into the ControlPanel DonorZone.

Thanks, Erik for all the infrastructure bits and Mike for the first Pagelet.
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visibleresults-cvs mailing list is active
    dwarnock - 2001-02-03 01:29   -   VisibleResults
Thanks to erik the VisibleResults-cvs list now automatically gets all the commit messages.

So anytime anyone changes anything in the source code the change will be emailed to this mailing list.
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Bible Society Announcement
    dwarnock - 2001-01-31 15:16   -   VisibleResults
VisibleResults will be officially announced as Free Software at the meeting of Bible Society General Secretaries for Europe and the Middle East in late February.

Availability of the existing application is pending legal sign off by the Board of the Bible Society in Denmark expected in early February.
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SourceForge issues
    dwarnock - 2001-01-31 15:13   -   VisibleResults
Due to continuing problems that SourceForge have with their last update currently anonymous cvs is not working and also cvs access for new members is not working.

While this is the case I can email cvs snapshots to anyone interested and will make some snapshots available by ftp.
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Tools Update
    dwarnock - 2001-01-31 15:11   -   VisibleResults
There are 4 tools that are built within the vrweb cvs module.

- utility. General classes that are widely used. Not going to grow very large.
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Database & Marketing 2001: Seminar
    dwarnock - 2001-01-12 13:12   -   VisibleResults
I will be leading one of the seminar sessions this year. The title is

Free Software: What Microsoft don't want you to know.
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Database & Marketing 2001: Stand 28
    dwarnock - 2001-01-12 13:07   -   VisibleResults
VisibleResults will be exhibiting at the Database & Marketing exhibition in London on May 9th 2001.

Come and see us. We will have free CDROM's with Linux as well as full free versions of VisibleResults.
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Going Free
    dwarnock - 2001-01-12 12:58   -   VisibleResults
VisibleResults a powerful and successful fundraising database used in 6 countries is in the process of being released as Free Software under the GPL license.

We already have manuals and the first tools for our new web client commited into cvs. Plus lots of information on the web site.
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Thanks to
SourceForge who are hosting this Open Source project.

Click here for the VisibleResults project page on SourceForge.